quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013

Diferencial substituido!

Como já tinha dito, o diferencial da frente tinha a roda de coroa e o rolamento do pinhão desfeito.
Solução? Comprar um diferencial que esteja bom, completo.
O que comprei: comprei um diferencial proveniente de outro Range Rover de 1972, que infelizmente "entregou a sua alma ao criador". É sempre uma pena quando se mata um Range Rover, felizmente ajudará outro a ganhar vida.
O diferencial está como novo, deixo as fotografias falarem por si, no entanto gostava de acrescentar uma nota para todos os que pensam ou desejam iniciar, um projecto deste calibre(assim dizendo).

"As i said before, my front differential was shot. The pinion gear bearing burst at some point that led to a busted crown wheel (yes it was pretty annoying as i wanted to keep every mechanical bit and bob original from when it left Solihull.
Solution? Buy a mint, complete, used unit.
I got lucky and a friend of mine from the UK had a 1972 Range Rover that he was breaking for parts, as he is also restoring an early suffix A (its always a sad moment when a Range Rover meets his maker, but at least he will help another one gain life again). I bought a diff from him, mint, complete and it was a 72 serial number, which made me quite happy.
I will let the photos speak for themselves ."

Nota: Há sempre bons negócios a fazer, quando se procura suficientemente bem e se avalia todas as alternativas.
Dei 50 libras pelo diferencial, cá custaria perto de 350 euros, se não fosse mais.

"Note for anyone that is restoring a classic: There are always good deals to be made if you look hard enough!
I paid 50 quid for a mint condition differential! Sure it was used, oily and had some dirt, but i would´ve had to pay 350 euros to get one in Portugal and it wouldn´t be MINT!"